Stars Beyond
Stars Beyond
Stars Beyond is—by design—not your typical Christmas anthem. There is no manger. There are no shepherds. There are no angels or animals. Instead, the very heavens above are telling the glory of God. Sensing God’s redemptive plan unfolding before them, they yearn to participate, wondering who will be chosen to illuminate all creation. The rhythmic piano and shimmering handbells translate their nervous excitement into sound, while the choir gives voice to the desire of all true disciples: How can I serve?
Whether leading others to the manger, shining light into the world’s darkest corners, or simply praising the Creator, may we be inspired by the example of these stars and shine through the abilities and attributes God has placed in our lives.
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This title is listed as a site-license. Purchase it once and you can make as many copies as needed for ensembles at your institution. This license is non-transferable, so you can’t share your copies with other ensembles, but pricing is always negotiable if you contact me. I just want to share in making great music together! The download file includes rehearsal tracks and a recording of the premiere by the Jacksonville University Singers and All Saints Episcopal Church of Jacksonville Handbell Choir.