Above the Horizon taken by Julian David Bryson, Saba, NL on January 13, 2017
—The kind of thing I like to think about when I feel overwhelmed by having too much to do.
"How are you today?"
When was the last time you answered that question with:
- content
- happy
- feeling great
- living life to its fullest
If you're like me, those phrases aren't the first ones to come to mind. In fact, I can't say that I've ever used any of them to answer that question, but maybe I should.
Don't get me wrong. I'm as busy as the next guy, and during the week of November 12th, I'm going to be as busy as I've ever been! Caution—watch for dropping names...
- three performances with Triad in 8 days
- attending the premiere of A Parable of Choices in New Haven, CT
- guest lecturing for a colleague
- a special committee meeting
- a Skype conversation with the Yale Glee Club
- all in addition to teaching my regular classes and private lessons at Curry
Why do I subject myself to such things? Because it's fun! I love connecting new students to music in ways they never considered before. Presenting new choral works is a special blessing; few things get me more excited. Not to mention, hearing one of my compositions performed for the first time (and second and third time)—why else would I spend time writing music?
So the next time you see me, ask me how I'm doing. If I'm not on my game and give you the same old same old answer—Busy!—ask me again and give me a wink.
I need to remind myself that weeks like these are why I do what I do. The more I focus on just how busy I am, the less I get to appreciate the activities I signed up to enjoy. Yes, I'm busy, but more than that, I'm alive, feeling great, happy, and content—I'm making music!