Julian David Bryson

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Features in MassACDA Newsletter (Mass Sings)

I’ve had a couple of featured articles in the Massachusetts ACDA Newsletter, and I wanted to share links with everyone now that they’ve been published online.

Drawing on my experiences as both a conductor and a collaborative pianist, I penned “Apprehending the Assassin Accompanist” (page 10). Now, if I could only follow my own advice! (My apologies to Curry’s wonderfully patient collaborative pianist Jacob Clapper.)

Also, MassACDA President Stephen Paparo interviewed me for the October 2018 issue, and as one might expect, independent publishers and composition took center stage in the conversation.

Speaking of, I will be leading a reading session of music from Independent Publishers at our upcoming summer conference. If you’re in the area, please join us. It’s one of the best state-level events I’ve ever seen. Not to bury the lead, but our headliners are the fantastic composer/conductors Rosephanye Dunn Powell and Andrea Ramsey. I can’t wait!